Thursday, May 26, 2011

Time Spent On The Following Things


19 hours and 30 min

Listening to radio (internet etc)
9 hours

Listening to music
I listen to my music on my ipod
21 hours

Watching TV, Movies, DVD's
18 hours

On email (#msgs)
48 hours

Surfing the web

20 hours

playing video games

28 hours

Thursday, May 19, 2011


My name is Sarah Kalaitzidis, I'm a student at Humber college for the Graphic Design program. I live in Scarborough, which takes an hour and a half to tavel to and from school. My hobbies is to collect Manga books, so far I have over 700 manga books (manga books are Japanese comic books). I also like to collect some Anime dvd's. My greatest hobby would have to be that I love to draw. I draw anything from wolves to manga characters, I also try to draw Gryphon and Dragons when I can. Another hobby of mine is a computer game I play called "Shin Megami Tensei" I sign onto the game everyday even if I don't do anything on it.